Thursday, February 8, 2018

What's New?

Whenever I talk about cryptocurrency with other people, they always are turn away by the fact ofhere will start you off with a free random stock in a popular company. Although the crypto trading is not released yet, you can still signup on a wait list. There is currently 1.25 million people who are waiting for the release. This app will be one of the first places that you can go right from USD into a couple different currencies including: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Stellar, NEO, Monero, Dash, and Dogecoin. It is projected to release in February starting with only a few states.
how much work must be done to start trading. However, that might not be the case in a short while. Robinhood, a United States financial service, recently announced they would start trading crypto. Robinhood is currently a smartphone app that allows individuals to invest in companies listed on the New York stock exchange. This is all done without paying a commission. This company has recently released news that you will soon be able to trade cryptocurrency without paying for commission. Currently if you download the app, you will be able to start trading instantly on the NYSE, after transferring $50 from a bank account and verifying your account. Also signing up

South Korea recently announced that they were not going to ban the use of cryptocurrency in their country. This was a huge relief as many Koreans are heavily invested in these coins. Cryptocurrency is so popular in Korean countries that many times they are able to raise the price of a coin because they are buying so much of it. Similar to China they are putting as many restrictions as possible on it because both countries are scared of people using it to preform illegal activities. One of the biggest is money laundering, which if you are interest you can read an article from Bloomberg Technology of who you can hide $500 million. People believe that the United States government might soon start looking into it because as JPMorgan chief executive Jamie Dimon said "governments are going to crush it one day. Governments like to know where the money is, who has it and what you're doing with it, in case you haven't noticed."

Recently in the news, hacking has came into the picture. People are starting to not only hack people's account and steal bitcoin from their wallets, but also hacking their entire computers. Since bitcoin is "mineable" this computers can be used to join a pool of other hacked computers to generate huge amounts of bitcoin for the hacker. I would recommend that everyone gets "2FA" or two-factor
authentication. This makes it much harder for hackers to get into your account. You can now usually get a message sent to your phone of a random code that must be entered within 15 seconds or you will not be able to login.

My tip for this week is that you shouldn't keep all your eggs in one basket. By that you want to be invested into a couple different coins. If one drops a lot, you still have the other to rely on. Always be reading about the coins you are invested in.

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